Mind Control and MKULTRA – RF053

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Greetings Dragon Cult Detective. Your credentials have been verified; you may proceed to access Renegade Files, where together we open the gates into Paranormal Experiences, Unsolved Mysteries, and Conspiracy Culture. I’m your handler, Lex Gordon, delivering this underground broadcast from The Jungle Villa Outpost, Deep in the Uncharted Tropics.

This is Renegade Files Episode 53, Mind Control and MK Ultra.

Project MKUltra, most often just called MK-Ultra, was an illegal human experimentation program implemented by the CIA to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.

It started in 1953 and was officially stopped in 1973. Or was it? Was it all just rebranded into a dozen other names, pushed from the labs and individual subjects, out across society as a whole?

This is not a conspiracy theory…it is a conspiracy fact…a group of people undertaking criminal activities for nefarious purposes. This happened.

MKUltra is the 6-degrees of separation for conspiracy theories; over and over, multiple and varied conspiracy cornerstones, lead us back to MKUltra.

This is a huge topic, a rabbit hole episode, and a deep dive that covers the origins, the FOIA documents that revealed it, some controlled subjects we do know, some we suspect, and the clues that point to MKUltra’s handiwork in today’s media.

Many other podcasts and documentaries have gone over this subject but my goal is to do something more here. I want to go into this and find the deep connections that tie it all together and make it relevant for us today.

To do that we’ll hit the history, yes, but don’t think that just because you’ve heard an MKULTRA podcast before, that you’ve heard the analysis we’re gonna get into here.

A bold statement, perhaps, but I’ll try my best because I appreciate and value your attention and time. This is a huge episode and it’s our longest yet. I thought about making it 2 parts, but this should be taken as a single narrative in order to fully grasp its scope and impact. I hope you’re ready to get weird.

So join me and we’ll dive deep into exactly what MKUltra was, what it accomplished, and how we can recognize its legacy and indeed it’s Modus Operandi in our current frameworks of popular entertainment, media, legislation, and societal controls.

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Music Licensing and Citations:

Theme Song: “Steve’s Djembe” by Vani, FMA, licensed: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

“Green Jellyfish” by Flow Lab Cult, DV8NOW Records, licensed: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.


The Part 1 section of this podcast (Beginnings and Evolution) contains excerpts from the Cedarville University History Commons digital archive of a publicly available History Capstone Research Paper written by Tani M. Linville, and cited here in accordance with the Cedarville University Recommended Citation:

Linville, Tani M., “Project MKULTRA and the Search for Mind Control: Clandestine Use of LSD Within the CIA” (2016). History Capstone Research Papers. 6.

You can view the entire Research Paper here: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cgi/viewcontent
